Jash Mota

Hi, I'm Jash! 👋

I am a multidisciplinary engineer and love robots. I build software and hardware systems to solve our problems. I'm passionate about general purpose robots, AgTech and robotics devtools. On weekends, I teach robotics to professors of an Indonesian university.

I've been making robots since I was 12, and over the years I've worked on perception, control and navigation for various robots like home assistance, indoor mobile base, outdoor harvesting robots and robotic food kiosks.

I hold a Bachelor in BTech Mechatronics and after graduation built a mobile base called CK-9 used by many robotics companies and students.

July 14, 2023: flywheel is now backed by Iterative and will be part of S23.
May 10, 2023: Checkout my latest project, flywheel
Dec 05, 2022: I'm a candidate for this years ROS 2 Technical Steering Committee. (I ended 5th and didn't win)
Aug 15, 2022: I'll be attending ROSCon 2022 in Kyoto, Japan. If you'll be there, let's meet!

Recent posts:

Hi, I'm Jash! 👋

The things I use

ROSCon Blog 2022

I was fortunate to attend ROSCon in Kyoto, Japan, with all expenses paid by Open Robotics.

Choice is not the enemy

I watched a TED Talk which suggested having more choice is bad, I disagree.

NVIDIA Jetson Nano Parts/Components List

If you are purchasing NVIDIA’s Jetson Nano and want to know what all components you will need before you can dive in, I have created this post to list down everything you will need to get started.

Public profiles:

You can leave a message on twitter or use this form for contacting me.